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Release Notes

This page outlines the changes the text has gone through.

1.0h (September 26, 1995)
Whew! Completed the "real" version.
0.93h (September 20, 1995)
Tightened up the manuscript by eliminating items I hadn't really reviewed. Broke out a few sections and many mini-tables of contents throughout; basically followed my own readability, browsability, searchability guidelines. Add the version number to the TOC so people would know that this is not finished yet. Changed the TITLE of the TOC so when people link to this page it saves a pretty name. (I'm running out of version numbers.)
0.92h (September 13, 1995)
Changed out TR-WWW and inserted AppleSearch for the searching feature. This also eliminated the FORM at the bottom of every page ( :-( )
0.91h (September 12, 1995)
Added David Cherry's dogs.
0.9h (September 11, 1995)
Added the condensed TOC. Broke down and used more Netscapisms. "Finished" the CGI section. Added See also references. Moved larger Appendixes to new folder to see whether or not that fixed TR-WWW (May move to AppleSearch).
0.76h (August 23, 1995)
Added the bibliography.
0.75h (August 21, 1995)
Did bunches o' stuff: added many many reviews, started the CGI section, enhanced the TOC, shorten all the pages for better viewing, removed the "graphics page" (it was an idea that didn't take off), removed the references to browsers of other platforms as well as servers of other platforms, added character codes appendix.
0.335h (June 27, 1995)
Created the "H" version (hypertext) for general purposes.
0.335t (June 27, 1995)
Created the "T" version (text) for general purposes.
0.335s (June 27, 1995)
Created the "S" version (screen) for general purposes.
0.335p (June 27, 1995)
Created the "P" version (printing) for Mactivity.
0.335b (June 26, 1995)
Did a bit of spell checking
0.334b (June 23, 1995)
Fixed an error in *many* path named that disabled downloading from the archives. Thank Bob Cope!
0.333b (June 22, 1995)
Getting ready for ALA and Mactivity. Refined the browser reviews and helper applications. Added the "Extending browsers" section. Updated the software index to include local archives of software. Updated the HTML Editors section.
0.15b (June 12, 1995)
Refined greatly the section about getting MacHTTP up and running, as well as the browser section, and extending the browsers.
0.13p (June 4, 1995)
Created a PDF file for on screen reading. The "p" now stands for "PDF".
0.12t (May 30, 1995)
This is the first text-only version. The "t" stands for "text".
0.12p (May 30, 1995)
This is the second printed version. The "p" stands for "print".
0.12b (May 29, 1995)
Got smart and started using a database (of my own creation) to maintain and report on the software I'm reviewing. Created HTML Graphic Utilities chapter. Updated software index. Made Macintosh-related Internet resources more visible.
0.10b (May 27, 1995)
(Gearing up for a June 1st deadline and ALA.) Refined but didn't finish the first chapter about MacHTTP. Refined but didn't finish the HTML editors/converters chapters.
0.08b (May 23, 1995)
Split TR-WWW away from AppleWebSearch. Enhanced it. Added searching feature to the footer of every page.
0.07b (April 23, 1995)
Ran a bit of spell checking. Updated info about getting MacHTTP up and running. Created the first printed version.
0.06b (April 18, 1995)
Getting ready for Ties That Bind. Added the dogs. Updated the TOC.
0.05b (March 31, 1995)
Getting ready for WebEdge. Included a bit more editing reviews, and started on browser reviews, and finished the organization section.
0.04b (March 7, 1995)
I enhanced the "Search your server section" and told WebEdge about the document.
0.03b (March 1, 1995)
I enhanced the browser, and organizing information sections.
0.02b (February 17, 1995)
I don't remember what I "fixed" here.
0.01b ("Some time in January of 1995)
This was the initial "preview" version.

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Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.